Monday, September 20, 2010

The Major Currencies Used on Forex Market

This article is dedicated to describing the most important currencies employed in the Forex market. On the Forex market, there are 5 major currencies that are used in the transactions.

The first currency is the American dollar (U.S Dollar). It is the world's main currency being used as an universal measure to assess the other currencies traded on Forex. This is why all currencies are quoted in terms of the American dollar. This privileged status has resulted from the fact that this currency was the most stable during the most troubled periods. It became the leading currency at the end of the Second World War. It was only in 1999 when the Euro was introduced, that the U/S dollar has lost some of its importance.
The Euro was introduced with the intention of becoming the premier currency in trading. Like the U.S dollar, the Euro boasts a strong relevance in the currency market. However, high unemployment, government resistance to structural changes plagued the growth of the Euro.

A third most traded currency in the world, the Japanese Yen. has a much smaller international presence than the two currencies earlier mentioned. It is very liquid around the world, the demand to trade it being concentrated mostly among the Japanese economic and financial conglomerates.

The British Pound was a reference currency until the end of the Second World War. Although heavily traded against the Euro and the U.S dollar, the British Pound has a spotty presence against other currencies.

The fifth important currency on the Forex market is represented by the Swiss Franc and it is the only major European currency that doesn't belong either to the European Monetary Union, or the G-7 countries. It is a major currency and closely resembles the strength and quality of the Swiss economy and finance even though the Swiss economy is relatively small. From a foreign exchange point of view, the Swiss franc has similar patterns with the Euro, but lacks its liquidity.

Automated Forex Market Software Review - Genuine Online Forex Trading

If you want to earn a huge amount of profit when trading forex then you need to hit the market at the right time when the trend is good. Now the question comes that who will inform you about the right time and the right trend? The answer to this question is the (EA) expert advisor for forex platform.

This EA is nothing but a very specialized software that will suggest you and tell you how to perform when trading forex. The platform on which this software works is the meta trader 4. This is the best platform in the entire market.

The basis on which this EA works is through advanced technology strategies. According to some of the fixed strategies, this software works and gives you proper information and advices.

The best EA uses 2 kinds of strategies, one is the long lasting strategies and the second is the scalping techniques. The forex market is a very fluctuating market; here no one can predict what is going to happen next. So you to have to use such a EA which will help you with both kinds of strategies. This will help you to understand the market in a better way. Also you will understand the right trend, and when you can actually trade in this market.

Generally the scalping strategy works in those market conditions when market tends to make very small moves. But in case if the market takes a very big move then it will require long term strategies.

The best part of this expert advisor for forex platform is that with the help of this EA, you can trade in many currency pairs at a time. Also with its help, you can get to choose the best broker for yourself. A good broker can surely get you the profits which you are looking for. So you can see how important these expert advisors are.

Let's Start Trading On the Forex Currency Market

The beauty of trading on the Forex Currency Market, is that you have the flexibility of trading from literally anywhere in the world!

All that is required is a laptop and an internet connection, and you are ready to make some serious money online.

In respect of training or specific requirements, there isn't really anything necessary.
All that you really require is a good training manual be it via video or eBook, and that should be enough to get you going and to start trading Forex.

But why trade in Forex?

What is so special about this type of market in comparison to say the stock market?

OK - well here are the main reasons why you should trade in Forex:

Forex trading offers monetary leverage. In basic terms this means that you can trade with a very low capital outlay and can control a very large currency position. You can trade a standard of $100,000 currency lot by investing a very small amount of capital to the value of $1000. And believe it or not, some forex brokerage firms even allow you to trade with even less capital - by giving you up to 200 times the leverage. So let's say that all you can afford is a mere $100 - well you can probably control a 200,000 unit currency position.

The other great thing is that online forex trading has very low transaction charges, even if you have a mini account or trade in small volumes - which is not quite the case when trading on the stock market.

Another important factor to bear in mind is that forex market transparency is an advantage since there are no hidden figures. Basically you get what you see and there are no hidden or unexpected surprises. The beauty of this is that it enables you to manage your risk and you can control your order within seconds if you want to stop further losses in a particular trade.

The forex market also allows you to trade in any direction, that is, whether going up or down.
Real time is one of the many advantages in forex trading. The forex market never closes as it is a constant electronic currency exchange taking place universally. Let us remember that this is a worldwide trade, involving a huge array of currencies, currencies of various nations.

It operates 24 hours a day, thus allowing you to enter or exit a trade whenever you like. So this enables you to trade whenever you have the free time and as long as there is an internet available anywhere.
As you grow in experience you can and will earn extra income by profiting from this sort of online trading in foreign currency. And if you trade in a smart fashion, by using the various analytical tools available to you - you can profit by predicting the outcome of a trade based on observing the changing trend of a currency which normally repeatedly shows up in predictable cycles.

 I will end this by saying that there is an unlimited earningpotential when you trade in Forex.

It currently has a daily trading volume in excess of 1.5 trillion. This makes it the largest financial market worldwide when compared with the equity and futures markets of 50 billion and 30 billion respectively.
If you wish to take this further and if this article has incited some sort of excitement within you, than please have a look at my resources box as a start to making it in the online world of Forex Trading.

Trading Forex or Stock Market - Which Do You Choose?

You have had a desire to begin trading in the markets. You probably have heard allot about the stock market and its benefits, but what about trading forex. What are the advantages or disadvantages to trading forex over the stock market.

Lets begin by going over the major differences between the trading the forex market and trading the stock market. Well we have all heard about the scandals in the past regarding insider trading and stock manipulation in the stock market, but why have we not heard about any insider trading going on in the currency markets.

You see the stock market has wall street as a centralized location. Where is the forex market located? Well it has no one specific location. Currencies are bought and sold between large financial institutions, businesses and different countries everyday. Prices in the currency market will fluctuate for a variety of reasons including news releases, trade reports,each countries economic conditions, etc. The forex market cannot be manipulated by any one person, so you can rest assured that your investment will not be affected by any fraudulent scam.

It takes an enormous amount of money to move the forex market in any one direction. Over two trillion dollars a day is traded in the forex market. Yes you heard me right, two trillion dollars. The stock market does not trade two trillion dollars in one month. I hope you can see now why it would be incredibly difficult for any one person or entity to move the market for any extended period of time. Another major difference between the trading forex and trading the stock market is leverage. When you open a forex trading account through a brokerage firm, you will generally be given 100:1 leverage. You can actually control $10,000 with a $100 account. While that sounds good. It can also hurt you if you do not know what you are doing. There are literally thousands of stocks to choose from. While there are only a handful of currencies that you would have to track makes it much easier to make a decision on what you will be trading.

One of the last things I want to go over is market hours.Since the forex market is a global market,time zones can vary greatly from country to country. Because of this fact, the forex markets are open for trading 24 hours a day. Since you are not limited to the normal business hours of the stock exchange, you have much more flexibility on the hours you choose to trade. This is not an exhaustive list of differences, but I hope you now have a better understanding of some of the major differences between Trading Forex and the Stock Market.

Forex Trading - The Ability to Trade 24 Hours a Day, 5 Days a Week

Foreign exchange market or forex as it is more commonly know is the trading of the different currencies of the world. Foreign currencies are continuously and simultaneously bought and sold across local and global markets and trader's investments increase or decrease in value based upon currency movements. Forex trading conditions can change at any time in response to real-time forex events.

The main attractions of forex dealing especially to small private investor are the 24 hours a day, 5 days a week trading with non-stop access to global Forex dealers. The market is enormously liquid making it easy to trade in most currencies. Even in these Volatile times markets still offer tremendous profit opportunities. The forex market has the ability to make a profit in rising or falling markets. This leads to the market being highly speculative, estimated at anywhere between 70% -90% in fact. In effect, the person or broker that bought/sold the currency does not intend to actually take delivery of the currency. What they are doing is solely speculating on the movement of that currency.

Starting out in currency trading is not something that you should take lightly, hoping for automatic success. You will find that there are many different factors that need to be understood before you go live on the market and start trading in currencies. What is required, are clear forex strategies. Just under two-trillion dollars are traded through the forex market on a daily basis, which can be somewhat intimidating, but doing your homework and having the right strategies will make it much easier to be successful.

If you take into consideration that the market are open for a 5 full days, it would be impossible to trade, even with the best strategies, for that amount of time. What is needed to take advantage of this highly lucrative market is automatic forex trading software. This can be running 24 hours a day, 5 days a week constantly making money. This is ideal for the small private investor who can literally make money while they sleep! The automatic forex trading does not need to cost the earth, for a relatively small investment a private trader can expect to see a huge return. Massive benefits can be reaped from real time forex trading.

Do you feel ready for automated Forex Trading? No, I thought not! Well, why not take advantage of my FREE 5 part video course in the basics of forex trading. Try it you have nothing to loss!

How To Play The Forex Market - A Sure Proved Way To Achieve Success In The Forex Market

Many of us who trade in the foreign exchange market go through a phase where we want to make millions as we play the forex market. That sounds like a lot of fun isn't it? Tapping a few keys on your computer keyboard, and a few minutes or same hours later closing the trade with a huge win on your hands; no too much work or sweat..Concentrate on doing this and you will definitely land you self in a lottery game. Besides, you should bear in mind that any type of gambling will always stack the odd against the player.
Inadequate knowledge and incorrect tools will always land you in trouble when you play forex.Understanding the concept and making use of the right strategy is important in any trading.

The following are the reasons why playing forex is advantageous.
  • It is a market where you decide the time to play because it is a 24 hour market.
  • It is accessible online through Global Network System.
  • You have the choice to decide the size of transaction, the amount and the time that you will devote to trading.
  • In forex, a trade takes place when you decide to buy and sell currencies.There is no fees like brokerage and commission.
As you get ready to play the forex, you will notice that gaining experience will help you to understand the market better. There are tons of analytical tools available that can assist you in predicting stock market behavior. You will also see books both free and paid that can help you understand the trading basics.

Once you decide to play the forex market, always keep the following point in mind.
  • .Before you start real trading, first gain some practical experience.Demo account will help you to do this.
  • Try to fully understand forex transaction concept and terminologies
  • The nest is the Golding rule. This rule states that you should not under any circumstances invest more than what you can afford to lose. Forex is a volatile market, and if you are not on your guard, you are likely to make some purely speculative decision that you may regret later. The ultimate limit to stake in the market should be the amount you are ready to let go if any thing goes wrong
  • Finally, to play the forex well, it is essential that you determine when you are going to stop. The forex market is a high risk preposition, so it is important you learn how to play the forex market if you want to win.

How to Win in the Forex Market No Matter Who You Are

 This article is going to look at the most effective way to trade in the forex market whether you've been trading your entire life towards your first day and you don't know a pip from a spread.

The forex market is a great place to realize your financial independence but it comes with a number of complications and challenges which the stock market doesn't have. Longer trading hours, for example, are just one of the major challenges because this market is an international market and takes place over a number of international locations. This means that this market remains open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week practically.

As that is a lot of time to have to keep on top of market behavior, a technology which was once used to cover small gaps and professional traders schedules has been expanded upon to cover the full 24-hour range of the market to effectively place and end trades on your behalf as the market dictates.

The process is simple to understand. The program looks for a high probability trading opportunity and once it finds a reliable trend to invest into it does with the capital which you give it to work with and then it follows that trade's performance along in the market to ensure you're always earning money.

Once the market fluctuates out of your favor, the program is in a position because it kee
ps a constant 24-hour access to real-time market behavior to react first before its human counterparts and pull you out of that now costly trade. Obviously the ultimate goal of this technology is to keep you on the winning end of your trades as often as possible, or near 100% of the time so that your gains far far exceed any losses you might sustain.

Forex Trading - When Do I Enter the Market?

The biggest question that surrounds trading Forex or any other financial market is simply this, When do I enter the market? Anyone who has traded a demo trading account or a live account knows that this is the most important question. When do you "pull the trigger"?

Before we answer that we need to understand what is happening on a day-to-day basis in the Forex market.
Many Forex traders are not aware of the large number of traders in the Forex market and the influence or non-influence that traders have on supply and demand. If you are trading the Pound/Dollar then you want to place your order when demand for the Pound is increasing or demand for the Dollar is increasing. When is that exactly and how do you measure it?

In Forex the largest group of traders by far, are Commercial traders. The results of their positions can be seen each week at the CFTC site under the Commitment of Traders Report. Commercial traders DO NOT try to make money from their currency transactions. They are not interested in Volatility but Stability. They are like a big ship going one direction that takes time and effort to turn. Even more than that, they resist turning. Their goal is stable prices in order to run their businesses, countries, and institutions.

The second group of traders are Non-Commercial traders who speculate. They are trying to make money in the Forex market for themselves and their clients. There is some debate as to whether this group can create a trend. It is my opinion that if conditions are right a herding affect can take place where there is a sustained demand for one currency or another and therefore a trend but these traders do not have the power to sustain a trend and maintain it on their own.

Does this help us answer the question of when to enter the market?

Let make up an example. Say we have a large company about to investin something that requires U.S. Dollars. The bank that is doing this for them begins to make purchases. Retail traders, you and I, don't know about this obviously. Other traders however in the network of Non-commercial traders have their contacts and the word gets out in particular when the demand for Dollars increases. More Non-commercial traders jump on board and demand for the Dollar increases even more.

Retail traders see a solid move on the trading charts. Perhaps this occurred in the beginning of the New York session and by 4PM the Dollar had gained 100 pips against the pound. Sharp retail traders would have been looking for this kind of trade every day. Depending on the type of trading system they would have seen more than just the bars or candles moving on their charts, they would also see momentum changes.

However, at the end of the trading day, the trade momentum created by the sales of the initial bank may have slowed (intentionally). Many traders still would not know the reason for the change in prices because the banks job is to subtly make the investments. To do otherwise could cause a buying panic and prices for the investment would increase.

The lull overnight might turn into a small retracement. In fact, the lull may look like a move back into consolidation.

The next day however, the bank must buy more. Now traders not holding Dollars required to purchase the investment must have found out about the investment and are converting their currency in favor of the dollar. This creates more volatility. Now, the big Commercial traders must get into action to stabilize their positions. This can cause even greater demand. This continues until the bank in question completes its job. The size of the investment that was initially begun directly relates to home much of a trend was created.

This is a simple example of a situation in the market that can cause volatility.

As a retail trader, how would you have known? Maybe a better question is when would you have known?
The top traders learn to not only follow price but to understand momentum changes in price. Momentum changes tied with actual "key" trading times in the market can provide the first indications that the market is reading to move. It is this understanding of momentum that alerts top traders to the conditions that something is happening in the market.

Many very wealthy traders have admitted that they are more lucky than good but they also will tell you that they were prepared to take advantage of the luck. Momentum from an indicator like RSI can help with that preparedness.

Try learning about RSI, The Relative Strength Index, to locate momentum changes, in particular Positive and Negative Reversals. This will get you prepared to take part in those trend opportunities when to enter the market.

Suggestions to Consider Before Getting Your Domain-Name

When you are putting up a business or an organization, it would help if you will also set up a website to market your products and services in the internet. Today, people who have the power to purchase are those who are mostly wired through the internet. So, make sure they can find you by acquiring a catchy domain name.

Paying for a domain name and getting it on the internet can be done simply in no time. What takes a lot of time and effort is in choosing the right domain name for your company. For some, they might feel that the names they are considering might be simple. However, when they try to enrol the names, these were already taken. Lately, domain-names are found to be lengthier.
We recommend that you take time in considering the following suggestions before getting your domain-name.

1. Don't make it hard for your clients to guess your domain-name. Choose a name that is uniquely related to your company and easy to memorize. Get in touch with your artistic qualities.

2. The extension ".com" is for businesses, while ".edu" are for education instituions. Choose the extension that fits your organization. We do not want our clients typing the wrong extension.

3. Use simple spelling. Do not try to stand out by using unusual spelling. It would be hard on these people to locate your website if they just heard about your company from conversation or on ads from television or radio.

4. Roman numerals are rarely used these days. Do not attempt to use them today in setting up a domain name for the same reasons you should keep spelling simple.

5. Since it is easier to remember shorter names, come up with a brief domain name.

6. Stay away from using symbols such as hyphens. When giving out your website, it would be difficult to say the domain name without committing a mistake.

Helpful Tips to Consider When Purchasing Your Domain Name

While you conceptualize and start a new undertaking or project, you should be also looking into opening a website so that your clients will be able to visit you through the internet. Today, people do business and personal transactions conveniently through the internet. First, you to identify a marketable the domain name.
Actually, buying a domain name is easy compared to finding the name which would take you some time to analyze and consider. Sometimes, you might wonder that the names are simple and so common yet it is difficult because they have already been taken by someone else. When this happens, you have to choose another name. Recently, the trend is that domain names are getting longer.

Here are some helpful tips to consider when purchasing your domain name.

1. Choose a name that people can easily be remembered. A name that does not offend nor appear like your competitors, but one that gets the attention of the demography you are going after.

2. Choose extensions properly. The ".com" is used in websites for businesses. Other types of organization are recommended to choose another. For example, schools are advised to have ".edu".

3. Choose to follow the spelling norm. If you will deviate, you may most likely lose customers when they fail to spell properly the word. Let us not give those who have heard about your company a hard time spelling the domain name just because you used special letters. Keep it simple for them to follow.

4. In relation to #3, do not use numbers nor numerals. The same reason in #3 applies.

5. Come up with a concise name for easy recall. People do not have the time to remember a lengthy domain name, much more to memorize it.

6. Please do not include any symbols like hyphens. This would make it really hard for potential clients to follow.

Importance of Domain Name Registration

It is true that your website is your internet identity. However not only do you have to spend money and time creating a website, you also have to spend some time and money buying a domain name.
A domain name plays an important part in the success of your website as it is your website address. It is through your domain name that people reach and visit your website and turn into potential visitors.
So no matter how useful or high quality your product may be, it will not reach your potential customers without a proper domain name registration. Without the name, your customers will not know about you and your product or business.

Choose a short name:
Moreover, once you choose the right domain name for your website, and get it registered, no other online user will be able to use the same name for as long as your name is registered. While choosing your domain name, its better to choose a name that is short, easy to remember and related to the product or service you sell. This helps customers remember your name better and even gives it a better chance of turning up on searches carried out using similar or relevant names.
During web development, there always has been a conflict on whether the domain name has to be first registered or if the web design has to be first designed. Though anything is possible, it is better to get the name registered first. No point in designing your website keeping a certain name in mind, as you may find that the name is not available when you attempt to register it.
So it's better to first register your domain name, do your web designing and development and then look for and consider web hosting. This will save you lots of time, money and energy you would have spent if you'd done things the other way round.

Be careful of cheap offers:
Be careful of the many domain registrars and web hosting providers found on the internet. There are many people who offer cheap offers; if you get your name registered by them, there is a chance of other people using and registering the same name.
There are of course many good registrars out there too, who have genuine domain registration offers you can use and turn to for help. Once your name is registered, you can set about designing and setting up your site for uploading on the internet.

Don't waste time:
However do ensure you complete your web designing and web development as soon as possible. The domain name will be registered in your name only for as long as you register it. So the longer you take to design your website, the shorter the name will remain your sole property on the web. The faster your website is created, the longer the name remains yours for customers to use to access your website.
Now that you know the importance of domain name registration, don't waste any more time registering your preferred name to ensure it remains yours for as long as possible.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stocks to Influence Currency Markets

Euro Zone Decline Continues
Last week the risk appetite that had dominated currency markets for the previous two weeks came to an abrupt halt. Despite warnings from experts that economic optimism was premature many investors and traders adopted the 'green shoots of recovery' theory. The euro to dollar exchange rate posted record monthly gains and commodity based currencies such as the Canadian and Australian dollars rose. Data that showed the Euro Zone economy declining at its fastest pace ever triggered a return to risk aversion benefiting the US dollar and the Japanese Yen.

Yen Supported by Safe Haven Demand
A drop in Asian and European shares provided support for the Yen and the Dollar as investors sold riskier currencies and returned to the safe haven of the dollar and yen. The dollar index which measures the dollar's performance against six major currencies rose 0.2 late Friday to 83.161 .DXY affecting the dollar exchange rate. The euro to dollar exchange rate fell 0.4% to $1.3436 down from a high of almost $1.37 last week.

ECB Council Member Calls For Caution
The euro dollar exchange rate was also affected last week by remarks from ECB council member Axel Weber warned against "exaggerating" recent data suggesting the economy is stabilizing. In an interview with Financial Times Deutschland Weber stated, "The crisis has yet to reach the people via job losses. Calling an end to the crisis too early is very risky. People will be disappointed and that could have an enormous impact on confidence."

This Week to be Dominated by Equities
Stocks are expected to influence currency exchange rates throughout the coming week. Sue Trinh of RBC Capital Markets stated, "We're in for another week dominated by equities and given the poor close of the U.S. market, there is caution about a sell-off in risk.


Domain Name For Forex Sites


f you are going to become an affiliate in the Forex world, you will have to pick a domain name. As a beginner, you might want to start with just one domain. Later on, as your experience grows, you can expand and manage couple of domains at the same time. How to pick up the right domain name? Where and how to register your domain? Is it possible to get a free domain for your Forex site?
Choosing domain requires some serious thinking and searching. First of all, decide what your Forex website will be about: Forex brokers reviews, Forex forum, Forex blog, Forex education, Forex software, Forex trading platforms etc. Once you have figured out your website theme, choose the domain name with the theme keywords. In fact, brainstorm with 5 top keywords, pair them up, add prefixes and/or suffixes to come up with a good domain ideas. For example, if you decide to make Forex education, a good domain may sound like:, or, or
Here are couple of more things you should know while choosing a domain for you Forex website:

1. Domain Endings - nothing better than .com
You have probably already noticed the variety of domain endings, such as .net, .org, .tv, however there is nothing better than com. Don't fall for cheaper domains because of the endings other then .com. It is just not worth it.

2. Amount of Words - The Less, the Better
First of all, since your website is about Forex, the domain name must have "Forex" in it somewhere, preferably in the beginning. Don't go overboard by using more than 3 words in the domain.

3. Hyphens and Numbers are Bad
If you can avoid numbers and hyphens in the domain name - perfect! Hyphens might look better for a human eye, but for Google and other search engine they are just obstacles.

4. Don't Look for Misspelling
I completely understand the need to be unique and have an image of a genius over the net; however, don't use difficult words in the domain name because it will only lead to misspelling. The words for your Forex website should be short, easy-to-spell and memorable. Avoid words, such as ecstasy, millennium, irresistible, sacrilegious etc. in your Forex domain!

             Now it is time to register the domain for your Forex site. Before buying a domain name via Go Daddy or similar domain registrars, check whether your hosting provider gives away free domain with the hosting plan. Some hosting providers offer free the domain upon the purchase of the plan.
Search to see if the domain name you have come up with is available (there is a domain search with every registrar). Don't be too disappointed to find that all of the wanted domain names for your Forex sites are already taken by someone else. In the worst case scenario add hyphen between words, or try to brainstorm some more with words related to your Forex website topic.
Once you have found the available domain, click through, make the payment (unless you get a domain for free from your hosting provider), and you are all done! You are an official owner of a domain!

How To Play The Forex Market - A Sure Proved Way To Achieve Success In The Forex Market

Many of us who trade in the foreign exchange market go through a phase where we want to make millions as we play the forex market. That sounds like a lot of fun isn't it? Tapping a few keys on your computer keyboard, and a few minutes or same hours later closing the trade with a huge win on your hands; no too much work or sweat..Concentrate on doing this and you will definitely land you self in a lottery game. Besides, you should bear in mind that any type of gambling will always stack the odd against the player.
Inadequate knowledge and incorrect tools will always land you in trouble when you play forex.Understanding the concept and making use of the right strategy is important in any trading.
The following are the reasons why playing forex is advantageous.
  • It is a market where you decide the time to play because it is a 24 hour market.
  • It is accessible online through Global Network System.
  • You have the choice to decide the size of transaction, the amount and the time that you will devote to trading.
  • In forex, a trade takes place when you decide to buy and sell currencies.There is no fees like brokerage and commission.
As you get ready to play the forex, you will notice that gaining experience will help you to understand the market better. There are tons of analytical tools available that can assist you in predicting stock market behavior. You will also see books both free and paid that can help you understand the trading basics.
Once you decide to play the forex market, always keep the following point in mind.
  • .Before you start real trading, first gain some practical experience.Demo account will help you to do this.
  • Try to fully understand forex transaction concept and terminologies
  • The nest is the Golding rule. This rule states that you should not under any circumstances invest more than what you can afford to lose. Forex is a volatile market, and if you are not on your guard, you are likely to make some purely speculative decision that you may regret later. The ultimate limit to stake in the market should be the amount you are ready to let go if any thing goes wrong
  • Finally, to play the forex well, it is essential that you determine when you are going to stop. The forex market is a high risk preposition, so it is important you learn how to play the forex market if you want to win.